Our website is getting a makeover!


Always looking for satisfaction for our customers, it is with the greatest pleasure that the cooperative cellar presents to you the arrival of its new website.

After a few years of a slightly tired visual appearance, it was high time to refresh our image.

More intuitive with a touch of modernity to be even closer to you, we hope you like this one.

In your opinion!

The VCE team.
Découvrir toutes nos actus
Colline Eternelle

Période Hivernale :

Du Lundi au Samedi:
10h00-13h00 - 14h00-17h00.

Fermé le Dimanche du 1er Janvier au 31 Mars.

Période Estivale :

Lundi : 10h00-13h00 - 14h00-17h00.

Du Mardi au Dimanche :
10h00-13h00 - 14h00-18h00.

4, route Nanchèvres
89450 Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay

03 86 33 29 62
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