Vignerons Vezelay


The cooperative was born in 1989. Today it gathers 10 wine growers of all ages who, thanks to a familial company spirit, are all very involved, especially with diverse events organized to discover their profession and our wine.


Commitment, solidarity and trust are major values of our wine growers. "Everyone is at home here", as the previous president, Jean-Yves DESCHAMPS, points out.


Indeed, the cooperative plays a social role: it allows the wine growers to establish themselves by sharing the production means and to exchange their know-how. It's with this objective that the cooperative also create one to share the agricultural material/machines. To be part of the Vignerons de la Colline Eternelle is to "find support and advises", said Stéphane PERRIER, former president until 2020.


Being part of this cooperative means "finding support and advice, anytime" says Isabelle Garnier, currently president of the cooperative.

Colline Eternelle

From Monday to Friday

9h - 13h and 14h - 19h

Weekends and holidays

10h - 12h30 and 14h30 - 19h

4, route Nanchèvres
89450 Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay

03 86 33 29 62
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