Vin Vezelay

Vineyard & Wines

Nos cépages

Nos Vins

"Vin blanc"

Vézelay Cuvée

"Colline Éternelle"
Millésime 2021

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"Vin blanc"

Vézelay Cuvée

Millésime 2018

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Vézelay Cuvée

"Les Saulniers"
Millésime 2022

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Vézelay Cuvée

"Noble Terre"
Millésime 2022

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Vézelay Cuvée

Millésime 2022

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Vézelay Cuvée

"Come Guérin" 
Millésime 2022

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Colline Eternelle

From Monday to Friday

9h - 13h and 14h - 19h

Weekends and holidays

10h - 12h30 and 14h30 - 19h

4, route Nanchèvres
89450 Saint-Père-sous-Vézelay

03 86 33 29 62
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